For brands that do dishes…

In the late 1990s, a Private Eye cartoon made readers laugh like drains.

A mother is doing the washing up when her little daughter asks:

“Mummy, why are your hands so soft?”

Her reply: “I’m twelve”.

In just nine words, cartoonist Tony Reeve makes you howl with laughter – and he does it by tapping into the brand story of Fairy Liquid.

Today, terms like ‘brand story’ and ‘corporate narrative’ have become all the rage.

But how many people really understand what makes a story a story? Makes them so memorable or inspiring that they become part of our own day-to-day narrative – like Fairy Liquid (or Innocent, or Red Bull, or GoCompare…)?

26 founder Tim Rich knows. And at the Professional Copywriters’ Network conference this September he’s going to tell you why stories can be so valuable – and show you how they can promote your business.

But if you want to hear him, be quick. Tickets are going faster than bottled water at a half-marathon.

Get yours here.

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